Homemade Deodorant Paste Recipe

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Using store bought deodorant is not my cup of tea. I tried to avoid using them since they contain aluminium compound which block the pores of the armpits.

Apart from that, store bought deodorant sometimes can be quite expensive and not environmentally friendly. Look at how many plastic roll on bottles/spray got thrown away very year.

Recently I went to a workshop that teaches people how to make homemade deodorant paste at ease. 

Only 3 basic ingredients are needed.

Homemade Deodorant Paste Recipe

Here is the recipe for homemade deodorant paste:

- 2 tbsp bi card soda

- 2 tbsp arrowroot/tapioca flour

- 3 tbsp coconut oil

- 2 drop essential oils (You can choose your favourite essential oil, I had orange one)


1. Mix baking soda and arrowroot/tapioca flour together in bowl

2. Mash in coconut oil with a fork until well mixed

3. Mix in essential oil of choice

4. Put into small container for storage


Use a pea size amount per armpit and keep out of the sun.

The deodorant was quite soft in the container initially. As time goes by, it became harden which is good for storage. Every time before I go out I just need a pea size for each armpit. I could not smell my armpits with this homemade deodorant paste!

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