Peru, a place that we all anticipated with. Apart from its well known spot Machu Picchu, it is also because its history can be compatible with China’s. Every dynasty has its own culture, costume, wisdom and funeral sacrifice. If you really want to know the whole history, you need to stay a long time here.I love Peru, people are nice, they have Chinese food chifa, they have traditional dish ceviche, they have special drink chichi morada, quinua, champus…Though my camera was stolen here, I wished the one who stole my camera is Chile, which he claimed that he is. Else he will ruin the image of Peruvians.After climbing up to a 5 thousand meters snow mountain, I started my own journey. From a moment of feeling frightened, to a moment of feeling relaxed and enjoyed.
Currency: 1US: 2.6Soles (2011)
Hostel average: 5 – 5.5US US per night
Eat average: 2.5US per meal
Nasca->Arequipa->Cusco->Puno->LaPaz (Bolivia)

Let’s introduce Peruvian soft drink inca cola. It tastes like cream soda and is made in Peru. I also bought a t-shirt with the logo, love this logo~

The first arrived city Mancora. It is famous with its beaches. Thus it is a very tourist place with not much to see. We climbed up to the mountain and saw the whole city and sunset. The price for accommodation and food are relatively high compared to other cities in Peru.

Mancora, Peru
We went to have a small hot spring pool with mud underneath. We put the mud on the face and body.

Chiclayo, Peru
While going to another city, we passed by Chiclayo, an inland city. There was an artist using spray to paint the pictures, they are beautiful. In South America, you can see artists selling their products on the streets. Mostly they sell accessories and paintings. Some of them will show their talents before the pedestrian lights and then ask the drivers for money.

Kuelap, Chachapoyas, Peru
The first ruin we went in Peru – Kuelap, Chachapoyas, which is located on 3100 metres mountain. It took a long time getting to there by bus, and the road is not well paved, feeling tired while getting to there. The most impressive thing I remembered is they will kill llama, if there was only little blood, meaning there is little harvest. It means there will be big harvest if there was a lot of blood. They also stored the bones in some places. There was a wall for them to meditate- with feet together, hands on the wall, eyes closing, you will get the power. There was also wall using the largest birds’ eyes in the world to be the signature.

Kuelap, Chachapoyas, Peru
Cute llama

Kuelap, Chachapoyas, Peru
In fact, living in high altitude is not a good thing for children. Their faces are all red.

Plaza de Armas, Cajamarca, Peru
There is a weapon plaza in every city of Peru. This is a good place to be recognized as it is almost the central place and people will know where you are referring to if you want to find plaza de armas. The youths of Peru were so excited to see us and would like to take pictures with us.

Cambe Mayo, Cajamarca, Peru
In ancient time, this place was frozen. When earthquake happened, the lava became the stone. Ice melted and the the shapes of the rocks formed. Water is a holy thing, it was used for religion but not domestic. The water flowing through here will lastly go to the 2 oceans.

Cambe Mayo, Cajamarca, Peru
The woman was selling food, I ate a boiled egg.

Plaza de Armas, Cajamarca, Peru
In Cajamarca, we met a man who was selling art on the street. He teached us how to play the drum, and helped translate the film. He also gave me a handmade ring~

Santa Apolonia, Cajamarca, Peru
In here, you can see the whole picture of Cajamarca. One ticket and you can go to there at both day and night.

Cajamarca, Peru
Local food and drink, good!
Really enjoy the local food, and know what locals eat usually

Las Ventanillas de Otuzco, Cajamarca, Peru
I do not have much understanding about these holes, the meaning is window in English. According to information online, this was a place for funeral purpose. Before we went to here, we actually wanted to go to another place which is similar to this and bigger. But the bus taking us there needed to be full until it left, we waited for 1 hour and it still did not leave. We did not know how long more we needed to wait, and we were running out of time. Thus we gave up and changed the destination to here.

Huanchaco, Peru
We met good guys while on the road to Trujillo. They knew a very cheap hostel in Huanchaco, which needed 30 minutes bus from Trujillo. It only costs 5Soles, 1.9US. We did trust them and went with them to Huanchaco. This place is famous for its huanchaco which is made of weed.

Plaza Real, Trujillo, Peru
There was a fashion show in Plaza Real in Trujillo, so we went there. We thought it would be an outdoor plaza, but it turned out to be a shopping mall. This is the modern side of Peru. The concept of this fashion show was awesome, the models changed clothes and stood inside a window box to act as fake models.

Chan Chan, Trujillo, Peru
Ruin from dynasty Chimu, there were a lot of sculptures, fish, fish net, squirrel, pelican……The wall heighted 4 meters, using man power to move and pack the bricks, then plastering afterwards.

Chan Chan, Trujillo, Peru
Showing how ancient people wore and their accessories in the museum.

Huaca Esmeralda, Trujillo, Peru
Another place, Esmeralda (Green jewel)

Huaca Arco Iris, Trujillo, Peru
Rainbow temple, can you see the rainbow? The wall is 7-8 meters high.

Huaca de la Luna, Trujillo, Peru
A touching moment
We did not know which bus we have to take, thus we asked a woman at a booth on the street. She was a really nice one, accompanied us to wait for the bus, walked with us further to wait for it, she also helped us ask the driver was that the right bus. She also reminded us to take care.
While in the Huaca de la Luna, there was one guide, who spoke so fast. And there was another who spoke so detailed. When the museum closed, she still explained to us what we did not know. That is the meaning of respecting your job. Luna, meaning moon, the Sun temple is nearby. But as budget is limited, they don’t have manpower to develop the Sun temple. Once there was a man who entered into the Sun temple, and he never came out again. Different dynasties covered the wall of the previous one, experts do not dare to dig them all out. And different levels the symbols are different

ai apace, Huaca, Arco Iris, Trujillo, Peru.
Their God, who is called ai apace.

Trujillo, Peru
The first time playing sandboarding. As I did not know how dangerous it was, I stood on the board and went down directly. I felt with the pomp sound. I should just sit on the board and slide down.

Museo de Sitio, Chiclayo, Peru
Dynasty Sipan/Moche

Tumbe, Chiclayo, Peru
Dynasty Sipan/Moche

Museo Nacional Sicán, Chiclayo, Peru
You will know different dynasties of Peru through this picture. Famous spot Machu Picchu is in the dynastic of Inca.

Museo Nacional Sicán, Chiclayo, Peru

Bosque de Pomac, Chiclayo, Peru

In the museum, we met Evelyn, who did internship there. She was so nice that knowing us want to go to the park and proactively saying she can lead us to there. We walked in the park for six hours, with her high heels on. On the second day, I found that I got blister on the foot……. We talked a lot, though my limited Spanish. But somehow we could still chat, we had girl’s talk, Peru’s phenomena and history, etc……

Evelyn cheated us with chichi, a traditional fermented drink made from corn. It tastes like beer.

This is like the game of throwing rainbow, but with gambling element. Using 10 cent, you can throw it to the rectangle. If your coin is inside 20, you can get 20 cent, 30 getting 30, etc. The area for 6 and 8 are relatively small, making you harder to get it.

Túcume, Chiclayo, Peru
Ruin again, this time is Túcume. The first time I tried to ride on the motorcycle. I just walked away from my friend and the ruin is so big that he needed to find police to find me. Lastly we took the motorcycle with the police to leave the ruin area.

Chavin de Huantar, Huaraz, Peru (3150m)
Ruin, you can see two different dynasties- 1500BC – 700BC and 700BC – 150BC.
They knew there are 7 days in one week, and 365 days in one year.
They had square plaza, using 7*7 = 49, as they liked number 7.
They also had circle plaza, and they knew how to use Pi to calculate it.

Chavin de Huantar, Huaraz, Peru
We could see two layers of stones, meaning 2 dynasties. The first one was using small and large stones puzzling (bottom layers) while the second one was using layers of thick and thin of stones puzzling (top layers)

Lanzon de Chavin, Chavin de Huantar, Huaraz, Peru
Their God Lanzón de Chavin

Huaraz, Peru
It was a free show organized by universities. Every school wore different and special costumes to play the music. They had ponchos, with different seals and colorful ribbons. These were given by the organizations who invited them to have shows. They used guitar-like musical instruments to play the music, with different sizes and shapes. Dancing and singing, it was an interesting show.

Cahuaz, Huaraz, Peru
We went to a small town.
They were selling a lot of daily necessaries, including their traditional clothings, with beautiful hats, skirts and the pieces of clothes that could become a bag.
We also saw key chain of Korean TV series, Korean TV series are popular around the world.

Lake 69, Huaraz, Peru (4600m)
A very, very, very astonishing lake! This is really an amazing one, we walked for 3 hours to get to there. With waterfalls, snow mountains behind, blue sky white cloud and the lake with light blue colour.

3 days 2 nights snow maintain trip
Goal: Reaching top of the snow mountain Urus 5495m
Originally we would like to climb up 2 mountains in 4 days, but we knew it will be too harsh, thus lastly we climbed one mountain only.
The first day, we went to basecamp Ishinca first 4350m and slept there. At 2am we started to climb up the mountain. From the very first with normal steep pathway, to large stone and small stone path, then ice road. We needed to be full geared to climb the last section, including crampons, gloves, eye protection, harness, pole. We were tied up one by one by a rope to prevent people falling into the fragile ice. We needed to walk like zig zag, and the guide at the front hit the ice to see if that was a good way to go forward.
The last part was the most tiring section, you breathed hard with just a few steps. Following the guide’s pace would surely make you tired. Lastly we arrived to the summit, but the weather was not good. We needed to arrange the seating places as there were many fragile ices around.
Before climbing

Group photo

Basecamp Ishinca 4350m

I am the first after the guide~
In fact I kept torturing myself, following the pace of the guide. Only when the guys behind us shouting stop and wait, we stopped and waited for a little bit.
After climbing up to the summit, I said good bye to my friends, and started my own journey in South America. It made me nervous and felt exciting. I was nervous because I never tried travelling alone, and I was excited because I wanted to try this new style of travelling. This trip made me mature and I knew many locals and backpackers all over the world. I love it!
The following photos are not taken by me as my camera was stolen by a guy. He claimed himself as a Chile, I hoped it is the truth.
The first stop – Barranca. I asked the driver to remind me to drop off the car, but he did not. Luckily I knew it was the place and I dropped off myself.

Cristo Redentor, Barranca, Peru
This mini Jesus was found accidently. I asked hostel near the beach and they said it was dangerous to go there at night. Noticing that there was still some time before sunset, I ran to there to see it.
In Barranca, I knew a local whose name is Jackson. He is a nice guy. He is busking on the street near the beach. He brought me to eat cheap food, brought me to her sister’s place to have haircut, and brought me to her mother’s booth to pack things. He also teached me how to get to the place I want to go.

A very old ruin – 2600BC – 2000BC
Actually I did not need to buy the ticket. But if you want to have a Spanish spoken guide, you can buy the ticket. I walked with group of secondary students. The guide explained to us very patiently, with slow Spanish and let me can understand more. There was also a teacher who helped to explain to me. I understood some and some did not. When I understood something, we all smiled~
Every pyramid’s ladder originally was facing North. After the center is built, all ladders’ directions faced to the center.
Everyday workers need to clean the pyramids, else there will be a lot of dust covering the pyramids.
While leaving, they even gave me a ride and we all squeezed into an alto. They cut the sugar cane on the road and gave me some. Very nice! They called the driver to drive me to Barrance, using the price of taking minibus from Supe to Barranca~
I remembered the teacher said they needed to treat me well, else I would go back to Hong Kong and blaming the Peruvian. Of course I will not~
Don’t know why even my Spanish was very limited, I still understood most of the conversation~
After I arrived the capital Lima, it was already 6 pm. Wanna find a hostel asap, feeling nervous after getting dark. But I could not find one. Lastly, I went to a hostel which was recommended by a friend, but it needed to go there by bus. I did not know which stop to drop off and I just dropped off at one random stop. I met a nice woman who helped me to find the hostel, she also helped me to dial to the hostel so that there is someone at there waiting me at downstair. Also, she helped me to ask the police for the direction. She also accompanied me and walked near the hostel.

Circuito magico del agua, Lima, Peru
Circuito magico del agua, a marvelous park. Different fountains in the park made you feel great. Different fountains have different themes, you can even walk into the fountains and play with them. Peruvians did not worry about how wet they would get. There is also a multimedia fountain show, combining laser and projection technics.

Putente de los suspiros, Barranco, Lima, Peru
A western styled small district, with beautiful seaview. It is comfortable to stay at here. This bridge is a wishing bridge, let’s make a wish!

Parque de amor, Miraflores, Lima, Peru
I lived in this district while I was in Lima. I went to running at the last day, running along the sea side on the mountain. Nearby there is shopping mall and a lot of apartments.
This park is so good, its name is love of park. The statue tells you that if you want to love, just love it. Please love what you want to love!

Isla Ballestas, Paracas, Pisco, Peru
Also known as cheap Galapagos, we took ship to go to the small island to see animals and birds, very smelly. But there are really a lot of creatures, with sea lions, gooses, red feet birds……and a lot of shits. But this is gorgeous, we also saw a Candelabra on the hill.

Nazca line, Nazca, Peru
Everyone is eager to see the miracle Nazca line. Seeing these lines by our own eyes is really amazing. We went there by taking a 4-people plane, the captain would explain to us the pattern using the headphones. The plane would move clock wise and anti clock wise of every pattern so that every passenger has a chance to see the pattern. These lines are called geoglyphs.

Colca Canyon, Arequipa, Peru
The second day after the camera was stolen, I went to Colca Canyon, a 4100m canyon. It has the depth 2 times of the grand canyon. I joined the two days one night hiking tour walking to the bottom.

Oasis Sangalle, Arequipa, Peru
Our living place at night. With special rock formation, and without camera, I drew it down. I swam for a while, but it was too cold and I got up quickly. We lived at a very simple house.

Machu Picchu, Agua Caliente, Peru
Ruin of Inca – We used the cheapest way to get to there, taking bus and walking along the railway, overnighted at Agua Caliente. We climbed up at 4:30am, we followed a guide within the ruin. The weather changed always. This is a must take photo. We climbed up the mountain Huayna Picchu.

Islas flotantes de Los Uros, Puno, Peru
In Uros, there are 43 islands, all with 2 meters of thickness; they are made from weed floating in Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca is the world’s highest navigable lake, with altitude 3812m.

Puno, Peru
Saw a very high slide in Puno!

Puno, Peru
Different from Argentina, this alfajores has honey with it.
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